100발 100중 기출문제집 1학기 기말고사 중2 영어 동아 윤정미 (2024년)
- 2024-05-18 17:05:49
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1. Read the passage below and answer the questions.
Socks are an essential item that we wear every day to keep our feet warm and comfortable. They come in various designs, colors, and sizes to suit different preferences. Some socks are made of cotton, while others are made of wool or synthetic materials. Regardless of the material, it is important to choose socks that fit well and are comfortable to wear.
a. What is the passage mainly about?
b. Why is it important to choose socks that fit well?
c. Give an example of a material that socks can be made of besides cotton.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the passage.
Socks are a(n) ______________ item that we wear every day. They come in various designs, colors, and ______________ to suit different preferences. It is important to choose socks that fit well and are ______________ to wear.
3. Discuss the importance of wearing socks that fit well and are comfortable. Why is it important to choose the right size and material for your socks?
4. Imagine you are shopping for socks online. Write a detailed product description for a pair of socks that you would like to buy. Include information about the design, material, size options, and any special features that make the socks unique.
5. Write a short paragraph describing your favorite pair of socks. What do you like about them? Why are they your favorite?