Group Selection Paperback

Group Selection Paperback - WRAPUP

  • 2024-05-18 00:26:05
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#Group #Selection #Paperback

Group Selection is a powerful book that explores the concept of group selection in evolution. Written by renowned evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson, this paperback discusses the idea that natural selection can operate at the level of whole groups, not just individuals.

In this book, Wilson presents a compelling argument for the importance of group selection in shaping the evolution of social behavior. He explores how cooperation, altruism, and other social traits can be favored by group-level selection, even if they may be detrimental to individual fitness.

Wilson also delves into the implications of group selection for human society and culture, arguing that an understanding of this concept can help us better understand our own behavior and the challenges facing our world today.

Group Selection is a thought-provoking and engaging read for anyone interested in evolution, biology, or social behavior. It offers a fresh perspective on how evolution works and the complex dynamics of social interactions in the natural world.

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