Let's Go 1(Workbook)(with Online Practice)

Let's Go 1(Workbook)(with Online Practice) - WRAPUP

  • 2024-08-04 12:58:50
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#Practice #Lets #Online

(로켓배송 가능)

Let's Go 1 workbook is a comprehensive learning resource designed for young students at the beginner level of English proficiency. This workbook includes a variety of engaging activities and exercises that help students develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

With the online practice component, students have access to interactive exercises and games that reinforce the concepts taught in the workbook. This additional online resource allows students to practice their English skills in a fun and engaging way, helping them solidify their understanding of the material.

The workbook is divided into units that cover a range of topics, including greetings, family, food, and daily routines. Each unit includes vocabulary and grammar practice, as well as opportunities for students to apply their language skills in real-life situations.

Overall, Let's Go 1 workbook is a valuable tool for young learners who are just starting their English language learning journey. With its combination of traditional workbook exercises and online practice activities, students can build a strong foundation in English language skills while having fun along the way.

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