리스닝 클리어(Listening Clear) 중학영어듣기 모의고사(20회) Level 1

리스닝 클리어(Listening Clear) 중학영어듣기 모의고사(20회) Level 1 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-09-20 13:02:54
  • 리뷰(0)
#리스닝클리어중학영어듣기모의고사 #리스닝 #클리어Listening #Clear #중학영어듣기 #Level

(로켓배송 가능)

1. What is the man doing according to the conversation?
A. He is buying a TV.
B. He is describing a TV.
C. He is watching a movie.
D. He is repairing a TV.

2. What is the woman interested in?
A. The size of the TV
B. The price of the TV
C. The brand of the TV
D. The features of the TV

3. What does the man say about the sound quality of the TV?
A. It is poor.
B. It is average.
C. It is excellent.
D. It is loud.

4. What is included in the price of the TV?
A. Delivery service
B. Installation service
C. Warranty
D. Remote control

5. What is the woman's final decision?
A. She will buy the TV.
B. She will think about it.
C. She will look for other options.
D. She will come back later.

Correct answers:
1. B. He is describing a TV.
2. D. The features of the TV
3. C. It is excellent.
4. C. Warranty
5. A. She will buy the TV.

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