내신콘서트 2학기 통합본 기출문제집 영어 : YBM 박준언

내신콘서트 2학기 통합본 기출문제집 영어 : YBM 박준언 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-09-24 17:11:13
  • 리뷰(0)
#박준언 #내신콘서트 #통합본 #기출문제집 #YBM

(로켓배송 가능)

Product Description:

Introducing our new product, the YBM Park Juneon's English Comprehensive Exam Study Guide for the second semester of high school! This comprehensive exam study guide is designed to help students excel in their English exams by providing them with a wide range of practice questions from various topics covered in the curriculum.

Key Features:

- A wide range of practice questions covering all key topics in the English curriculum
- Detailed explanations for each question to help students understand the concepts better
- Tips and strategies for effective exam preparation
- Full-length practice tests to simulate the exam environment
- Answers and explanations provided for all questions to help students track their progress

This comprehensive exam study guide is a must-have for students preparing for their English exams in the second semester of high school. With its comprehensive coverage of key topics and practice questions, students can effectively prepare for their exams and boost their confidence in English. Don't miss out on this valuable study resource and get your hands on the YBM Park Juneon's English Comprehensive Exam Study Guide today!

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