Electrolux 045030 Central Vacuum OnBoard Dusting Brush, One Size, One Color

Electrolux 045030 Central Vacuum OnBoard Dusting Brush, One Size, One Color - WRAPUP

  • 2024-07-08 10:54:06
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#더스팅브러쉬 #Electrolux #Central #Vacuum #OnBoard #Dusting #Brush #One #Size #Color

The Electrolux 045030 Central Vacuum OnBoard Dusting Brush is the perfect accessory for your central vacuum system. This dusting brush is designed to easily clean delicate surfaces, such as furniture, electronics, and blinds, without causing any damage.

With its convenient onboard storage, this dusting brush is always within reach when you need it. The one-size design fits most central vacuum wands, making it easy to attach and use.

The brush features soft bristles that gently sweep away dust and debris, leaving your surfaces clean and scratch-free. The one-color design is sleek and stylish, adding a modern touch to your cleaning tools.

Upgrade your central vacuum system with the Electrolux 045030 Central Vacuum OnBoard Dusting Brush and enjoy convenient and efficient cleaning every time.

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