포켓몬 금박 골드 카드 박스 리자몽 흑자몽 피카추 vmax gx 25주년, 55장 골드박스 영어

포켓몬 금박 골드 카드 박스 리자몽 흑자몽 피카추 vmax gx 25주년, 55장 골드박스 영어 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-06-07 19:50:31
  • 리뷰(0)
#완구/취미 #포켓몬 #리자몽 #흑자몽 #피카추 #vmax #골드박스

The Pokémon Gold Card Box features exclusive 25th Anniversary gold cards of Charizard, Dark Charizard, Pikachu VMAX and GX. This limited edition box contains 55 total cards, including 20 gold cards and 35 regular cards. The gold cards are highly collectible and feature a stunning gold foil design, making them a must-have for any Pokémon card collector. Each box also includes a certificate of authenticity to verify the rarity of the gold cards. Don't miss out on this unique and special set celebrating 25 years of Pokémon!

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