리스닝 클리어(Listening Clear) 중학영어듣기 모의고사(20회) Level 2

리스닝 클리어(Listening Clear) 중학영어듣기 모의고사(20회) Level 2 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-09-20 12:59:09
  • 리뷰(0)
#리스닝클리어중학영어듣기모의고사 #리스닝 #클리어Listening #Clear #중학영어듣기 #Level

(로켓배송 가능)

1. What is the product being advertised in the listening passage?
A. A new smartphone
B. A digital camera
C. A vacuum cleaner
D. A water purifier

2. According to the passage, what is the special feature of the product?
A. It has a high-resolution display.
B. It can take high-quality photos.
C. It has a powerful suction.
D. It can filter out impurities.

3. How does the speaker describe the product's design?
A. Sleek and modern
B. Heavy and bulky
C. Round and colorful
D. Simple and practical

4. What is the price range of the product?
A. $100-200
B. $200-300
C. $300-400
D. $400-500

5. What is included in the package for the product?
A. A carrying case
B. A warranty card
C. An instruction manual
D. A memory card

6. What is the main purpose of the listening passage?
A. To introduce a new product
B. To advertise a discount sale
C. To announce a product recall
D. To promote a customer loyalty program.

7. How can customers purchase the product?
A. In-store only
B. Online only
C. Both in-store and online
D. Through a phone order

8. According to the passage, what is the refund policy?
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 120 days

9. How does the speaker suggest customers make inquiries?
A. Through email
B. Through phone
C. Through social media
D. Through a chatbot

10. What is the speaker's tone throughout the passage?
A. Excited
B. Informative
C. Apologetic
D. Suspicious

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