Hierarchical Data in RDBMS Paperback

Hierarchical Data in RDBMS Paperback - WRAPUP

  • 2024-08-20 20:13:19
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#RDBMS #Hierarchical #Data #Paperback

Hierarchical data refers to data that is organized in a tree-like structure, where each entry in the data has a parent-child relationship with one or more other entries. This type of data is commonly found in many different applications, such as organizational charts, file systems, and genealogical records.

In a relational database management system (RDBMS), storing and manipulating hierarchical data can be challenging because traditional RDBMSs are designed for storing data in a tabular format. However, there are several ways to represent hierarchical data in an RDBMS, such as using a nested set model, adjacency list model, or path enumeration model.

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