Muscadine Magazine September 2020: Featuring Artist Gabi Ger, Fashion Designer Naima Nevice Maneno a..., Paperback

Muscadine Magazine September 2020: Featuring Artist Gabi Ger, Fashion Designer Naima Nevice Maneno a..., Paperback - WRAPUP

  • 2024-08-09 01:20:19
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#Featuring #Muscadine #Magazine #September #Artist #Gabi #Ger #Fashion #Designer #Naima #Nevice #Maneno #Paperback

Muscadine Magazine's September 2020 issue showcases the talented artist Gabi Ger, whose vibrant and expressive work is sure to captivate readers. Additionally, the magazine features an in-depth look at fashion designer Naima Nevice Maneno and her unique and innovative designs.

This paperback issue includes detailed descriptions of the featured artists and their work, along with stunning visuals that are sure to inspire and delight readers. Don't miss out on this engaging and thought-provoking issue of Muscadine Magazine.

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