Appleways Simply Wholesome Oatmeal Bars Variety Chocolate Strawberry and Apple 4 Bars of Each Fl, 1

Appleways Simply Wholesome Oatmeal Bars Variety Chocolate Strawberry and Apple 4 Bars of Each Fl, 1 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-07-02 22:21:58
  • 리뷰(0)
#오트밀과자 #Appleways #Simply #Wholesome #Oatmeal #Bars #Variety #Chocolate #Strawberry #and #Each

Appleways Simply Wholesome Oatmeal Bars Variety pack includes 4 bars of each delicious flavor - Chocolate, Strawberry, and Apple. These oatmeal bars are made with wholesome ingredients and are a perfect on-the-go snack for a boost of energy and satisfaction. Individually wrapped for convenience, these bars make for a great addition to your pantry or lunch box. Enjoy the sweet and satisfying flavors of chocolate, strawberry, and apple with these tasty and nutritious oatmeal bars from Appleways.

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