능률 중학영어듣기 모의고사 22회 Level 2

능률 중학영어듣기 모의고사 22회 Level 2 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-05-22 00:14:47
  • 리뷰(0)
#종합교육 #중학영어듣기 #모의고사 #Level

(로켓배송 가능)

1. What does the speaker say about the product?

A. It is a new invention.
B. It is made of plastic.
C. It is easy to use.
D. It is only for adults.

2. How much does the product cost?

A. $10
B. $20
C. $30
D. $40

3. What should customers do to purchase the product?

A. Visit the website
B. Call the store
C. Order by mail
D. Visit the store

4. What does the speaker suggest customers do before buying the product?

A. Compare prices
B. Read reviews
C. Visit the competition
D. Shop around

5. What is the product's main feature?

A. It is waterproof
B. It plays music
C. It has a long battery life
D. It has a warranty

6. What is the speaker's tone?

A. Excited
B. Concerned
C. Informative
D. Annoyed

7. Why does the speaker mention the product's warranty?

A. To encourage sales
B. To warn customers
C. To explain how to use it
D. To offer a discount

8. What is the purpose of the advertisement?

A. To sell a product
B. To provide information
C. To entertain listeners
D. To promote a store.

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