User Modeling: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Um97 Chia Laguna Sardinia Italy June 2-5 1997 Paperback, Springer

User Modeling: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Um97 Chia Laguna Sardinia Italy June 2-5 1997 Paperback, Springer - WRAPUP

  • 2024-06-26 10:36:52
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#라구나 #User #Modeling #Proceedings #the #Sixth #International #Conference #Chia #Laguna #Sardinia #Italy #June #Paperback #Springer

The Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference UM97, held in Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy from June 2-5, 1997, is compiled in this paperback edition by Springer. This book contains in-depth research and discussions on user modeling, covering various aspects of modeling users' preferences, behaviors, and characteristics in computer systems. The papers presented in this conference provide valuable insights into the latest developments and trends in user modeling, making it a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and students interested in this field.

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